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Belisa Godinho
7 de mai. de 20241 min de leitura
Follow the latest news in the health sector with Belisa Godinho - W Magazine - WHO
(EN) WHO: “The highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5N1) virus clade, which emerged in 2020 from previously circulating influenza...
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Belisa Godinho
4 de mai. de 20241 min de leitura
Limited Time Offer - Free E-Book - Life Energy ©Yoga Sathya - Just 10 minutes Yoga Everyday - Health and Wellbeing - Holistic - Relax - Focus - Personal and Professional Development
(EN) Book offer (in Portuguese or English) ' ©Yoga Sathya - Yoga Energy ' along with any purchase made in Products in Yoga & Ayurveda | W...
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Belisa Godinho
2 de mai. de 20241 min de leitura
Life Science, Yoga and Holistic Health.. Do they contribute to Environmental Education on the Planet?
This W Magazine Podcast addresses the subject. Check out! Share. Comment. Like it. Contributes to the development of the media's...
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Belisa Godinho
1 de mai. de 20241 min de leitura
A nova capa W Magazine na Imprensa já chegou às bancas de jornais!
WMagazine - SAPO Disponível Pré-Encomenda
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Belisa Godinho
28 de abr. de 20241 min de leitura
W Magazine | Podcast - Climate Activism & Environmental Education - Belisa Godinho
Every Thursday at noon a new subject to present in the Podcast W Magazine (in Portuguese and in English) Mais faixas, Podcasts,...
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Belisa Godinho
24 de abr. de 20241 min de leitura
50 Anos do 25 de Abril em Portugal - W Magazine
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa já iniciou os festejos Agenda do Presidente da República para o Comemorações do 50.º aniversário do 25 de Abril...
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Belisa Godinho
23 de abr. de 20241 min de leitura
European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative #COSI report on #COVID pandemic
The Ricardo Jorge Institute in Lisbon (Portugal) #SNS #DGS welcomes this initiative. WHO experts investigate, analyze and debate the...
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Belisa Godinho
21 de abr. de 20241 min de leitura
Anywhere in the world, on vacation or at work, W Magazine is always with you.
(EN) Subscribe to the Annual Subscription and benefit from a universe of products and services in various areas, such as culture, health...
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Belisa Godinho
20 de abr. de 20243 min de leitura
2024 The Devil's Comet
(EN) The Devil's Comet will be visible to the eyes of some people in the world More about Devil's Comet Current Magnitude: The comet...
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Belisa Godinho
18 de abr. de 20241 min de leitura
Novo Podcast W Magazine sobre Reciclagem em português e inglês
Climate Fashion | W Magazine Podcast W Magazine - Environmental Education (in Portuguese and in English) | W Magazine Purshases Designed...
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Belisa Godinho
16 de abr. de 20241 min de leitura
Why and how did the conflict between Israel and Iran happen?
(PT) Porque e como aconteceu o conflito entre Israel e Irão?
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Belisa Godinho
11 de abr. de 20242 min de leitura
Podcast W Magazine Environmental Education and Veganism. From Portugal to the World.
Every Thursday at noon Lisbon time, a topic on environmental education takes place within the sustainable universe of the W Magazine...
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Belisa Godinho
6 de abr. de 20241 min de leitura
W Magazine | Health - Global Emergencies WHO Press Conference more update and news..
Don't miss up-to-date information on global medical emergencies, as well as the latest news in the world's health sector. Belisa Godinho,...
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Belisa Godinho
31 de mar. de 20241 min de leitura
Reserve a nova capa W Magazine antes de chegar às bancas!
O Produto está Esgotado. Mas aceita Pré-Encomendar. Basta clicar no botão amarelo.
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Belisa Godinho
31 de mar. de 20241 min de leitura
2 Mini e-books - ©Yoga Sathya - PVP 3,7€ (cada) - um resumo dos livros originais (em português)
Massagem Biodinâmica Ayurveda ( ISBN 9789403662886 Yoga Sathya ( ISBN 9789403662435 E para quem gosta de ler os...
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Belisa Godinho
28 de mar. de 20240 min de leitura
144 visualizações0 comentário
Belisa Godinho
26 de mar. de 20240 min de leitura
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Belisa Godinho
24 de mar. de 20241 min de leitura
Purchases Designed to combat Global Warming ©W Magazine
Friends of the environment, the planet, animals, nature and the oceans. Every week new products arrive at the Shop | W Magazine - W Green...
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Belisa Godinho
23 de mar. de 20241 min de leitura
Sustainable planet 365 days a year. The time is now!
Contribute to the ecological footprint with Donations to the ©W Green Project Helps the development of the sustainable media universe ©W...
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Belisa Godinho
22 de mar. de 20241 min de leitura
Clima em Portugal
O Instituto Português do Mar e Atmosfera (IPMA) prevê uma subida de temperatura para o fim de semana. No entanto faz o alerta para quem...
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